SMS Tool Pro

by Emerick


not available

****************You can find a FREE version of this app here: Tool Pro version is a powerful app that can easily Send, Forward and Schedule SMS by many parameterized types.
APP FEATURES:- Send SMS message without characters limit;- 5 seconds to cancel SMS after sent (for unfinished messages sent accidentally, for example);- Forward SMS from any number(s) to any number(s);- Forward SMS by any word filter to any number(s);- Choose if shows or not notification when a Forward filter is triggered;- Enable or disable Forward by filter;- Schedule SMS in specific date time;- Choose if shows or not notification when a Schedule is triggered;- Create repeat rules for automatic Schedule like a end date time or occurrence number;- History of Schedule sent messages;- Statistics for Forwarded and Scheduled messages.
PRO APP VERSION FEATURES:- No Ad;- Create a Forward filter that forward from any number;- Enable more than one Forward filter;- More options available for repeat rules in Schedule;- Reschedule a Schedule history;- Support my work and buy me a coffee.